Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PG's Next Top Model

So I have finally found something that I find interesting to blog about!! Our school got asked to do the hair for PG's Next Top Model. This is such a great opportunity for all of us, especially to build our portfolio, since we get a picture every week of the girl or girls that we styled that week. This competition started last thursday and will go on for the next 7 thursdays to come. Each week we get given a theme to do our hairstyle around, this gives us a chance to practice our ideas on other people and perfect it for Thursdays shoot. Last weeks theme was Glamor, which was a nice and basic theme to start with to boost our confidence and get us started on a good note! This week we have the theme, Romantic with braids, so a very Bohemian look. As soon as I heard our theme I thought of my friend Kim Barr, who is the designer of Lilly Nichols Design and makes beautiful head bands. So I called her up and got one shipped up for the shoot tomorrow. I am super excited, since I will be working on my own tomorrow and my girl Jade Rowse is so amazing and I hope she does very well. Well I hope you guys will follow me along this fun journey and maybe ever throw in a vote for my model! Hope everyone is having a great week so far and I will keep you posted!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Creative and Fun!!!

Well it's been awhile and I've noticed that keeping up a blog is a lot harder than it seems! I never realized how hard it is for me to think of something interesting to blog about. Well now that some time has past since my last post (a bit of an understatement!!!) I think I have a few things to update people on and would love to share with everyone!
I'm still in Hairdressing school and I am now cutting hair on almost a daily basis, depending on the walk-in rates at school! I am really having fun with cutting, especially men's cuts which are not far from clipping cattle, I get to use clipper and practice my blending skills. Woman's cuts are a bit more challenging but I think I'm getting the hang of it as well, maybe this is just because women are way more picky about their hair then men! Color is my most challenging department, the applications is easy, but knowing what that wanted end result actually turns out as is always a bit nerve racking for me, but that will come with practice and time. Good thing I have my wonderful family and great friends like the Kelly's to let me practice my new found skills on! Thanks guys I truly appreciate all your support!!
In my first post I mentioned that I was giving up my show season to do hairdressing, but I think that I've actually been to more shows than usual this summer. So needles to say i think my small break from the cattle has brought me a new found joy in the cattle and I am really having fun with it again! This summer I got reunited with my besty Erin, or as some would say sister from another mister! The Pinnacle Panties ruled again and conquered the BC show road! I also got together with Poplar Meadow Angus for the IPE in Armstrong which was great, and many laughs where had! I'm also still working for the Vanderhoof Auction Mart in the office, and out back with the cattle, this is always a good way to end my week, since i get to spend my Fridays and Saturdays with good friends!
In the last week I suddenly got somewhat of a creative streak and was busy making homemade past, and I even made my own chunky necklace! I think it was mainly to get me away from facebook for a bit and back to doing something for myself! I am one of those people that tends to fall into a routine and get stuck in this same routine over and over so every now and then I have to pull myself back out and do something new.
Well I think that's all that I've got to share for now, I can't wait for the fall shows to see all my fabulous friends and catch up with everyone!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Violence is not the Answer, but it is a response!

So here's a question; If you get physically attacked by a bully should you fight back? Well according to Schools you should just stand there and take it, sounds like a painful solution to me. I know that violence doesn't solve anything, but wouldn't you rather defend your honor and face! Ok that was corny, but really, these days even if you don't start the fight and just want to defend yourself you still get kicked out of school. What is this teaching today's students? No matter if you start the fight or are the one that gets attacked, you get suspended from school. So really if you don't feel like going to school for a few days just find someone to pick a fight with and swing a few fists at each other and tada holidays here I come! What are they teaching kids these days? Shouldn't they be teaching them how to get along and how to resolve the problems? Ok now that I'm done venting, what I'm really trying to get at is, I don't think that students should get kicked out of school for violence, to a certain point, but instead maybe teachers should actually deal with the problem instead of just pretending it didn't happen and making the kids disappear for a few days! This may be a random rant, but I think its definitely something to think about!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A New Beginnig

I am a strong believer in doing what makes you happy! So that is what I am going to do. For the past few years my life has consisted of nothing but cattle. I was either at cattle show, helping people clip their cattle, or halterbreaking for a show! This is not a bad thing, but it is starting to become frustrating, especially since I just haven't managed to get any of my own cattle. So in the past few months I have really been thinking about my future, and what would really make me happy. As much as I love cattle shows and all my great friends from the cattle world, I decided it was time to make this my hobby and to find a new career.
So after much thinking, I thought I would try my hand at Hair Dressing! Now you may think that this is completely different and not even close to what I have been doing till now, but that is the beauty of it all! It is so different, and it will be a brand new experience for me. As sad as I am to give up a whole show season, I am just as excited to start this new journey to see where it will take me. Will I love Hair Dressing? I have absolutely no clue! But how will I know if I dont even try?
If the only thing in life that I do is what makes me happy then I think I have done everything right. I may not be rich or famouse or the best at everything, but I will know that I have done what I love and tried to keep myself happy at all times!
So I am happy to announce that I am starting school at the Loxx Academy of Hair Design Inc. on May 4th in Prince George, BC! And I never thought I would say this, but here I go. I am honestly excited and happy with the fact that I am going back to school!!!
Well lets see what this part of my life will bring,