Saturday, April 17, 2010

A New Beginnig

I am a strong believer in doing what makes you happy! So that is what I am going to do. For the past few years my life has consisted of nothing but cattle. I was either at cattle show, helping people clip their cattle, or halterbreaking for a show! This is not a bad thing, but it is starting to become frustrating, especially since I just haven't managed to get any of my own cattle. So in the past few months I have really been thinking about my future, and what would really make me happy. As much as I love cattle shows and all my great friends from the cattle world, I decided it was time to make this my hobby and to find a new career.
So after much thinking, I thought I would try my hand at Hair Dressing! Now you may think that this is completely different and not even close to what I have been doing till now, but that is the beauty of it all! It is so different, and it will be a brand new experience for me. As sad as I am to give up a whole show season, I am just as excited to start this new journey to see where it will take me. Will I love Hair Dressing? I have absolutely no clue! But how will I know if I dont even try?
If the only thing in life that I do is what makes me happy then I think I have done everything right. I may not be rich or famouse or the best at everything, but I will know that I have done what I love and tried to keep myself happy at all times!
So I am happy to announce that I am starting school at the Loxx Academy of Hair Design Inc. on May 4th in Prince George, BC! And I never thought I would say this, but here I go. I am honestly excited and happy with the fact that I am going back to school!!!
Well lets see what this part of my life will bring,


  1. Congratulations!! I am SO excited for you Bianca! Why did you choose Prince George versus Kelowna?? Just curious... Have a blast!! Just a few more days of freedom before you start - enjoy ;)

  2. Thank you Robyn!! I'm super excited to start next week! I chose Prince George strictly because its closer to my family! I've realized in the past few years that I enjoy being close to them, and that I need that family time every now and then!

  3. So much news in one day! Congrats on your blog AND starting your new adventure! I'm proud of you, and excited for you.
